Business Contract Checking
You can’t buy business software like a pretzel at the bakery. That goes without saying – doesn’t it? Thus, a comprehensive set of contracts is supposed to bring security. But beware: Many software contracts are so opaque and non-binding when it comes to the products to be delivered and the services to be rendered by the software provider that they are not worth the paper they are printed on. One thing is certain: In addition to a structured selection of the software and the implementation partner, the contract in particular forms the basis for a successful implementation project.
‘Would you like a little more security?’
Of course, every contract between a user company and software supplier reflects the individual initial situation (size of company, complexity of the installation and area of application of the software, etc.) – there is therefore no “standard contract” in the true sense. Nevertheless, there are some regulations that should not be missing in any contract.
Contract Check
With the ‘Contract Check’, we offer a professional review including the commercial terms and conditions, which secures your contract with the software supplier with regard to these regulations. Our experts examine the contract based on more than 80 criteria and draw up a short report. In addition to a general statement of contract, this also contains a list of the contractual items that should be discussed during the negotiations with the supplier.